健新 工業社


J.S. 健新 工業社在民國80年由曾家爸媽齊心創業,從草創時期的小型工作坊,主要接單製作製鞋機械的零件、 組件;至今已二十有餘。我們努力精進加工技術並給予客戶值得信賴的品質。健新工業社是一個向心力十足的家庭公司,多年的承製經驗,使我們成為深得客戶信賴的國內客製化零件的承製廠。




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健新 健新工業社


J.S. Industrial Corp. was built in 1991 by Mr. and Mrs. Tseng. At the first beginning we run a workshop, mainly for metal parts in a rental factory and only few machines. Working around the clock till now, we continuously improved workmanship and reliable quality assurance. J.S. was a successful family company and an OEM contractor of offering precise engineering parts nationwide in Taiwan.
Time by time, as the advanced engineering experiences and state-of-the-art technology, we have consistently improved our working ability and upgraded machinery for efficient, precision performance.
J.S. Industrial Corp. is not only manufacturing parts, we could also help on sourcing, developing and consulting if necessary. We are willing to share our experiences, ideas for working simply and efficiently.
If there is a ready parts, prototypes, drawings, 3D models or even a sketch, please don’t hesitate to contact us for quotation.
Feel Free to call us on 886-4-2567-5031 or email us at jsjianshin@gmail.com or skype us js12150628.